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Bon appétit

Illustration: Peter Berke
As Lisa Lind Dunbar began sharing stories of the experiences of abuse and toxicity in the work environment of the restaurant industry, hundreds of testimonies poured in from workers, who shared their experiences of violent and exploitative working conditions. Here, she gives her account of a life lived, as a part of the Danish food scene.

There is a place inside of myself, where I’ve hidden all of the scars and traumas I’ve gained from a life, as a women, working in the Danish restaurant industry. I haven’t dared reveal them to others, but only a few, close friends, out of fear of being rejected or mocked, in a work environment, where to voice how one feels, what one has experienced or to enforce boundaries, is met with indifference, hostility and ridicule. 

Particularly as a woman, it has been near impossible to voice objection or to find solidarity from colleagues or superiors, as the restaurant industry, in its construction, is dominated by patriarchal values, set in a bulletproof, almost militant, hierarchal system, that serves an exclusive club of men, with the rest of us as collateral damage. When I’ve attempted to insert a boundary, my actions have been turned against me, as a “confirmation” that it was I,who was the problem. As if, by speaking of any issues, I, myself, made them come to life.

As with the time where I was working at a natural wine bar in Nørrebro, Copenhagen, where I, by my manager, was reminded that I myself had taken part in all existing »conflicts« in the work place

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