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Norsk vanilje
Der er noget yderst genkendeligt over Torbjørn Rødlands billeder. Mange af dem virker ligefrem banale. Men kigger man nærmere efter blotlægges et helt andet lag.
ATLAS bringer her i samarbejde med kunsteren en serie billeder fra bogen Vanilla Partner samt hans 20 sætninger om fotografi.
Dele af billederne kan ses på Galleri Nils Stærk frem til d. 2. marts.
- The muteness of a photograph matters as much as its ability to speak.
- The juxtaposition of photographs matters as much as the muteness of each.
- All photography flattens. Objectification is inescapable.
- Photography cannot secure the integrity of its subject any more than it can satisfy the need to touch or taste.
- Good ideas are easily bungled.
- Banal ideas can be rescued by personal investment and beautiful execution.
- Lacking an appealing surface, a photograph should depict surfaces appealingly.
- A photograph that refuses to market anything but its own complexities is perverse. Perversion is bliss.
- A backlit object is a pregnant object.
- To disregard symbols is to disregard a part of human perception.
- Photography may employ tools and characteristics of reportage without being reportage.
- The only photojournalistic images that remain interesting are the ones that produce or evoke myths.
- A photographer in doubt will get better results than a photographer caught up in the freedom of irony.
- The aestheticizing eye is a distant eye. The melancholic eye is a dis